
Wednesday 29 April 2009 @ 11:39:00 pm


My Internet's Finally fixed, Thanks to my uncle :P Buagagagagaga!!!
Hmmm today woke up at 5am Bathe and wanted to make hard boiled eggs for breakfast
so woked up earlier than usual today... Woke up felt DAMN tired hahahas so bathe and went back to sleep...

Woke up again at 7.30am o.O quickly tidy up my hair, spent almost 30mins but still =_= bloody fringe keeps on curling up hahahas, ran out of time, changed and quickly rush down to bus stop, freaking crowded as usual...

Reached school at 9am did my phase test, was first to finish and was the one and only got the Highest Score Excellent dropped to Good =_= Bleedy hahahas I didnt check, got 7 resistor's 1 of the resistor's point I connected wronly bleedy hahahs so did everything passed up and bleedy people started to borrow calculator from me so waited for them to finish and took it back as those who passed up their test papers may leave, but I NEED to wait for them to freaking finish their bleedy calculations, went out of the room at 11.30am wanted to go swimming as I have already packed EVERYTHING...

Doesn't have enough time and my friend arent in school today so called Sing Sheng, bleedy called me to wait in canteen bleedy he at Field hahahas So walked to the field saw someone I didnt like so didnt go look for Ss, instead went out of the school walked away like a Bleedy moron, called Yihao hahahas so bored so I think I'll go pick him up from MRT station, he bleedy havent arrive hahahs so Damn Hot went back to school saw Sherwin sat with him at canteen ate a plate of freaking nasi lemak which had like rock inside Fagging bit it hard and my front teeth is like more protruding out now ASS!

Next time I wont ever eat her Peanuts again ASS! Heh went for another lesson at 1.30pm finished assignment, got released called Yihao as his waiting for us at West Mall, called Bleedy Ss his lousy class hasnt got release...

Met Yihao, Sing Sheng came behind my Backside like a DOG HAHAHAS, joking :P next Hong Sheng came so went down to Burger King outside without buying any food gagagas same as always : P Sat there chat a little went back Gabooooo...!

" Everytime I'm pissed =_= Those bleedy asswipe Office people everytime stare at my PE T- Shirt hahahs cause I have a bleedy BIG ITE logo ASS, hate it when they use those eye's wish like punching their eyes till blue black hahahas,everytime I'm in my Polo Tee as it's ITE logo isnt that Visible, they accidentally stood on my shoe they will like say sorry when I'm in my PE Tee they take me for invisible ASS even though ITE students doesnt behave really well but didnt they realise they are their true self >.> why not be urself? Work everytime hide ur ugly face, show ur bleedy angel face enjoy ur life with your trueself =_= not ur BLEEDY Angel Face, makes me puke bleedy hypocrites..."


Monday 27 April 2009 @ 6:29:00 pm

T____T Today I thought I could use my internet without disconnecting FINALLY =___= In the end I woke up at 9.30am for nnothing, the maintenace guy came fixed up somethings and told me the wire broke and it became too short, now the phone and modem, both are USELESS bleedy, need to make another appointment and needs to pay gosh it's like stabbing my heart without internet, You guys know the feeling -___-?

Hmmm after that guy left around 10.45am next went to bath preparing for school, Everything done around 11.30 sat at living room have 2 steamed buns and a cup of sizzling cold Milk :P... Gosh LATE hahahas went out of house at 12.10pm, school starts at 1pm hhahahas...

Lucky! Didnt arrive late, reached school at 12.50 Horray! Hahahas... Waited for teacher, he walked here with a SAD face hahahas when he reaches us, he told us I'll mark your attendance and you guys go watch soccer I was like bloody satan Happy face hahahs but in the end he didnt release us, went to another class room for lesson as the air con is spoiled and the section head is like neglecting his work dont know what, teacher already reported the matter but said no response from the person in charge of this...

After lesson found out my sim card registration failed >.> REALLY ASS LORHSSS... Hahahas was wondering how am I going ot contact Sing Sheng as his waiting for him seince like 12pm O.o hmmmm ran to gym, basketball court, canteen, his nowhere at sight O.O ran to classmate and lend his phone XDD Called Ss and he told me his waiting for me at the Bus Stop to Batok already =_= ASS hahahas made me ran around that fraking three places like a moron as these places are freaking positioned center, end, entrance of the school HELL!!!

Ran all the way to the bus stop as it's so freaking warm so didnt want him to wait too long or he will start whining... Took bus to Batok cut hair everything went to coffee shop with alex, we ate, alex going to eat Cze Char at home XDD... Using Alex comp to blog now hahas!!! Going off soon Toodles...


Thursday 23 April 2009 @ 12:44:00 am

Hmmmm, so many things happened just this past few days,
just simply write the points down huh, those I remembered XD

- Nokia Music store,
- Internet connection prob,
- Phone's cover protruding out,
- School stuff's,

Many more things but I cant remember them, brain
is damn empty now... I'm kind of tired already, everything
seems different to me now... What happened o.O did I just
woke up from everything or everything surrounding me is
starting to change ? I'm confused... I'm sick... Why am I?
Sometimes I just like the past sometimes I just like the present
what do I really want O.O asked myself this question's plenty
of times... But I don't seem to get the answer, I was one who
can get answer within a brainstorming session but now it's like
I'm getting answer's after everything is done, what I hated has become a fact for me
to accept it... I'm rejecting it... But it's a fact... How do I reject it?
Will it do anything good to reject it? Simply just let the time goes
by? My mind is in a turmoil right now... Slept and woke up not even
an hour and I cant get back to sleep... Was hearing ruckus... When I
looked out the window I saw a gust of things flying in the air, when
I got closer, everything lightweighted at the carpark, void deck seems
to fly in the air with the gust of wind... How strong was the wind I
thought, went out of my house wind was Strong unable to describe
but it feels like a bad omen never had such a strong feeling before,
this feeling makes people spurge out what their true thoughts and
awaken their bloody souls...

Hahahas do I sound like writing a Ghost Novel >.>, I'll stop here
else I wont be able to stop hahas... My internet is haywire now
adays & I'm kind of sick using the Net, so many things to explore
but I'm lazy to do it, I've lost the meaning to live hahas so please
any non painful or scary death ? XD Life is so boring for me now
adays any rainbow for me ? ^___^


Monday 20 April 2009 @ 6:59:00 pm

Hey Hey,
Hmmm normal day again >. > Boringgggg, Went to school early today at 11am, should be in school at 1pm instead of 11am blehhh hahah got some competition to participate so must come early to brainstorm, Tsk so many whitehair liao still must brainstorm bloody...

Hmmm Theory lesson no air con again haizzzz, hmmm when released after lesson at 2pm called Sing Sheng =_= no answer behhhh called Hong Sheng no answer BEHHHHH hahahs so walked Russydi to the MRT there next we parted so I waiting for at least someone to call back but both did not call back =_= called Yihao instead, didnt call Yihao at first as i'm scared disturb him studying hahahs, he told me Sing Sheng just got released from lesson ohhhh called him never pick up =_= called again finally picked up so next... He went to take attendance for PE first so I was bored as I dont want to walk back to school instead I walked around a Bleedy BIG Field, at least completed 2km hahahs, Sing Sheng still isnt done yet soooo sat at a playground sit as its kinda windy there started to clear up unused stuff's in my phone...

Finally Ss called next headed to Bus Stop 985 and waiting bloody waited for like 30mins alone for the bus only hahahas but luckily there's someone accompanying me, in between the waiting journey Alex came with Zong Xi & CK...

Went to West Mall meet up with Hong Sheng, went to Koufu to have lunch, had Kway Teow XDD hmmm intended to wait for Yihao to be released as he will only be released at 5pm :( but Hong Sheng insisted to go home at 5 as his bored hahahas so nvm sent him off to his house and went to alex house, now Im at Alex house :P Ss laughing at him while his playing Fifa heh. Gtg toodles People!


Sunday 19 April 2009 @ 11:02:00 pm

Buagagagaa Today a special day indeed...

Hmmm woke up at around 10am hahas ? Slept kinda early yesterday Like 3am? Hmmm woke up didnt really did much just went to watch Fullmetal Alchemist once again hahas I kinda like this kind of anime's, as u guys can I see I am more to manga's, Japan's Anime stuff's I am engrossed in their drawings it's kinda realistic, I know some people might think those are so called Lame stuff's hhahas but to me its like a piece of master piece, I respect everyone's view as I am kinda a computer nerd so I'll say sports sucks hahas things like these everyone has different opinions so ya... Watched like few episodes and some manga's suddenly I got disconnect awwww stupid and I cant connect it back and my uncle doesnt want to fix it =___= keep asking me to go buy something to fix it bloody hell hahahas... Was haunting my mum the WHOLE day regarding phone stuff's I have been haunting her for months till today...

Know why she agreed today? Theres freaking offer today at the West Mall hahahas ported my number from Singtel to Starhub zzzzzZZZ bleh skip the morning & afternoon lazy to type, we went there at night so my mum went ahead to buy the phone and she told me to get the rebate for trade in so I went there stood at the Trade In counter, there's only 1 trade in counter awwww, guess what =_= I waited for like 15mins and the trade in guy is only serving 1 FREAKING CUSTOMER! I got fed up and went to mum's counter =_= she scolded me and I went back to the trade in counter +_+ the customer infront of me is STILL there!

Bleedy helll hahaha lucky his service is kinda like 6.5/10 or I'll throw tantrum again hahahas I'm famous for throwing my tantrums around :P hmmm brought phone next brought dinner cheated next I asked my mum, Are u thirsty, she smiled at me and said u want to drink what hahahs she knew I wanted to use her money instead of mine : P hehehe so brought bubble tea we shared walked to bus stop and tok 187 home around 8pm reached home, we set off at likeeeeee 5pm....

I msged Yihao they all then I realised my number =_= is not the ported one but instead a brand new one which I didnt even know what the number was hahahas. Haizzz Im lazy to type washing washing faceyyyyy Timey!



@ 11:02:00 pm


Friday 17 April 2009 @ 8:40:00 am

Hehehehe, So bored now, Havent been to school for 2 days, yesterday and today, skipped 2 days hahaha i'm really sick of it now, ITE really do sucksssss, when I was in secondary I have always wanted to come to ITE as the equipment make me feel like working in a real environment but I was wrong upon studying for 1 year...


Thursday 16 April 2009 @ 12:18:00 am

Weeee changed Blog skin yeap, Looked for few hours didnt really found what I want, found alot of them dicey skins but I don't really like the codings and lazy to change as my eyes freaking hurts now, went to sleep just now but dont know why I cant fall asleep, insomnia hahas Bleeeh tomorrow school at 8.30am so boring but lucky thingy is that I'll be released before 12.30pm :P Yeappie, Hmmmm think I should try to go to bed again, not much thing to talk about today hahas Toodles People!!!


Tuesday 14 April 2009 @ 10:09:00 pm


Newww Post Happy yah people? ^_^

Hmmm today arhsss School, woke up wash up everything, trying a new product for face wash, named Oxygen...

Drank a cup of milo wohoooo to school, stood the whole trip as no seats available, went to class bleh bleh bleh dont know how to do the circuits just stand there and daydream, next break went to buy bus concession gosh =_= its so freaking warm as I walked to and fro from School to Boon Keng MRT Station, sweat like a Freak when reached school thought later i'll relax during the Theory lesson god who knows >.> air con spoiled luckily I cooled down or i'm raining cats and dogs... salted eh XDD

Next Meet Yihao & Sing Sheng at West Mall chit chat till around 7pm+++ went home facial XD! Did mask just now weeheeee Now downloading Table of Glory Episode 16~18 ^__^ I kinda like the show as the main leads I kinda like them, maybe their age is around mine o.O... Toodles People ^___^


Monday 6 April 2009 @ 8:54:00 pm

Hehehe!!! Hello People, its been SO LONG since i updated my blogs hahahs, Still alive anyways :P.

So bored today, playing Lineage II private server seems okay to me this game, yesterday slept at 6am as had war between clans. Poof woke up at 3pm hehe ^_^
hmmm slacked on my comp desk like a moron haizzz waiting for Sng Sheng & Yihao
to finish gym, waited waited waited in the end none called, called them none picked
up, around 7.30pm they called me back and told me they were playing Basketball Ohh
man hahahas I dropped dead as I thought i will be meeting them to have dinner and
I told my mum dont need to buy my Dinner, all they did was call me and say they were
playing basketball haizzzz, im so dumb hahahs so got a little angry so rushly changed
go down for a jog or i'll start thinking of idiotic lame stuffs again came back cooled down wow ReFESHING gagagaga heh Now downloading the New Ping Pong Show from MobTV geeeee, Lets hope tomorrow something will happens O.o? Why not a car run me over hahahas I interest in study is gone, I cant find the interest back no matter how, beeen thinking but all I thought was =_= FUN!!! Hehehehe hope I could find my interest back in studying, hope all my friends are happy ^___^ Thats what I told myself long long time ago, now I need to practise it :P Making people happy is top priority not making people frustrated, maybe this time I talked too much crap hmmm its time I remain Silence like last time :) Toodles People.



Someone wants to disclaim it ? XDDD


name: Jude
age: 17
gender: Male

Hmmm get to know more about me from my blog? ^_^ Nothing to describe about myself...bold. italics. underline. strike-through



- Music
- Money
- Bubble Tea
- Sleep
- Holidays
- Eat Desserts
- Sleeeps



[&Clown;] Yihao
[&Weirdo;] Winston
[&Mini;] Melanie
[&Speaker;] Samantha
[&Parrot;] Beatrice
[&Cat;] Irene
[&Actress;] Shu Fong
[&FakeFlower;] Jia Hua


Base Code - Magnette
Designer - Hasegawa-san:D
Image - ChaosReign
Edit - Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Font - Earwig Factory


August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
April 2009
May 2009


Music Playlist at MixPod.com