
Thursday 28 May 2009 @ 9:40:00 pm
Occasion Every year!!!

Happy " Duan Wu Jie " to All!!!

Sorry Didnt know how to say it in english, a simple 1 would be Happy Dumpling Festival Hahahahs!!! Hmmm recently didnt update much as I think I'll close down this blog soon... Cause Mr Choo Sing Sheng said that my blog is ugly, pathetic, unpopular, no creativity, boring post's... ^___^ Acutually he said some but I added in somemore words for him Muahahah!!! Hmmmm downloading The Ultimatum Drama now, the new drama at Channel 8 from MobTV!!! If you guys wanna catch sneak previews like till Episode 5 at 1 shot register for MobTV!!! It's really cheap for like 6 months and u get to watch the exciting drama hahahs... Hmmmm Exam is next week, I guess I'll flunk badly this time round hahahs Didnt really prepare it thoroughly hope I can stay above the water gegeee!!! BB!!! Some Pictures of Mippo, My plush name hahahs... His here to snatch again!!!


Sunday 17 May 2009 @ 12:23:00 pm
Yesterday's Trip

... Was kinda busy modifying my restaurant city again in the morning... waited for Yihao to call as I'm not sure who is going who isnt going... Least expected Sing Sheng called hahahs... Didnt know he was going with us so he came to my house first... I played on another comp restaurant city again XDD waited for Yihao to call, finally he called : P set meeting time confirm with the people, journey began : P decided to have Steamboat, my idea haahhas... Looked up for lots of places but all in the east side, hell so in the end decided head for Bugis Junction, Liang Seah St. as they have quite a number of restaurants there, looked and finally settled down at a steamboat shop named "Zhong Hua Huo Guo.Ramen" The staff was very enthusiastic but only 1 hahahs a male guy, the others looks like blur cock hahahs XDD hmmm first thingy is his shop, it's more like nicer then the other shops... Not VERY nice but it's better than the others...

He started to give us something special : P Irene brought his cousin along as his a child, he gave the child to dine here for free : P Drinks free flow counted in the package... Adults cost $20.80 during weekends and kids if i'm not wrong is $10.40 half price of adult... Lucky thing is he counted Irene's cousin free as he didnt eat much =___= actually he ate nothing hahahs just few buns & lots of pepsi...

All the while I just sat there and wait for them to bring me food hahahs lazy to walk larhs :P a dish that I kept eating from there is the fried buns XDD Small little bun deep fried >.< Piping hot! Crispy! When it's bitten into half I can see it's pure white bread inside Muaahahha really PURE WHITE hahahhs I really like the buns... Hahahas... You can try it out if u just want to have a simple Steamboat... Rate : 7/10 bahs ^___^ Ambience will be terrible if u come late as sit's are limited in open areas ; P If you're gonna sit inside u might need to share with other customers but overall it's kinda worth it lohs once in a time only bleh : P Hmmmm when we're almost full while dining Winston came : P I went to taxi stand there and fetch him(he demanded =_= I'm eating my crab) hahahs he went to tie his hair again :P This time looks very unique as all were STRAIGHT I prefer straight ahhahahs... Hmmmm after he sat down with us, I was wondering if the uncle would charge him anot as he doesnt want to eat here so I asked Yihao to ask the uncle for me hahahs the uncle said NO NEED hhahahs and added he could go in and take drinks for free awww another free one hahahs next time I should come late if they were dining here ahahhas in the end Winston insisted that he dont want drink nor eat a little hahahs in the end went walk walk a little at Bugis Junction headed to Batok... Irene & her cousin parted at Batok's Mcdonald next went down to Yihao's house there the mac... Nothing much to say ^___^ Toodles


Friday 15 May 2009 @ 11:35:00 am
Moyyyyy Moyyyyyy Moyyyyy

Behhhh Finished test yesterday rating - Fair, not very hard not very easy hahahs... Yesterday reached school late for an hour zzzZZZZ today didnt go to school again as usual hahahs skipped like ton's of friday theory lesson's... Been playing Restaurant City crazily these few days XDD after this week 2 more week's left for me to sprint through my studies... Not sure whether I would have enough time for those ton's of pages of words & formulae's to remember Bloody, Really Bloody lorhs, Those who play's Restaurant City please add me at facebook, hotmail : judeongshihao@hotmail.com :P I want ingredients hahahahs!!! Don't really know what to blog about these few days... These few word's should be sufficient....... Pictures too :P!!! Took them... So BORED...

His the one who accompanied me through these boring, frightening & retard months...
Let's take a look at his photo shell we :)? Please look below MUAHAHAHAHAHA...

He accompany me while I'm studying...

He Stole my drink...

He can't drink it as it's a little tiny pixi bit of alcoholic MUAhaHAHAHA!!!


Wednesday 13 May 2009 @ 11:45:00 pm

Haizzz!!! 2 more weeks... I suddenly have the urge to study but when my book is out I starts to =___= doze off... Hmmmm wondering what will happen, this June will be my last 2 papers after June no more papers only Project Project Project... Wonder how I'll fair in June, Hope everything comes out fine...

Sooooo tired of studies already, yesterday did phase test and got fedup as I'm not very confident about it and teacher doesnt want to check when I'm done as I connected the stuffs up in a mess hohoho... In the end got a Excellent and a Good only... Tomorrow need to reach school at 8am Bloody Tired!!! But luckily Ima gonna be dismissed at 12noon tomorrow... Class Test tomorrow, takes 3% of my exams marks wonder how I'll fair... Soooo Tired I guess gonna study later, wonder If tomorrow I'll be going swimming or going home first...


Sunday 10 May 2009 @ 7:24:00 pm

I'm so so so bored hahaha's, everytime I'm bored, I would find something to do, once I get the hang of thing I found... I start to play like hours hours in the end I found it's already dinner time hahahs...

Woke up as usual 12noon today... Wanted today to be a study day but hmmm I still don't feel like it despite I brought the book out to mac yesterday I didnt study at all... Hmmmm played comp after waking up, ate lunch continue playing a game called BlackShot, something like counterstrike gagagas But I think this is better then CS...

Gaming + Watching TV till around 4pm... Went study studied for 30mins hahahas Watch TV again, Mum fried Popcorn chicken ate continue playing wagagagas... I wanted to go meet Yihao they all but since it's already quite late and I dont want go to Gombak with someone I dislike hahahs so rather stay home bored till rot but guess they're having lots of fun now bah O.o heh I'll continue my blackshot... No one's willing to buy dinner hahahs Bloody nvm I'll take it for a diet today as I know my auntie SURE go down buy later de Muahahahahs!!! Starve T___T... BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED Luckily tomorrow there's no school for me Yeah! Hahahahahahs I'm sad for Yihao but he has no school on Friday =__= Bloody I rather have Friday OFF!!! Cause it always marks the last day of school Hell!!! But I wont envy them for long since they're going attachment muahahahs they will have like to work monday to friday, should be bahs not sure... But sad things I left only Alex in school :(Hope there's lots of projects coming up during my next torturing months... So I can past my time like pea pea pea pea nuts!!! Gonna check Republic Poly whether there's Mechatronics in that poly... Will apply to poly if I get GPA3 & above... Toodles Bugger's!!!


Saturday 9 May 2009 @ 12:55:00 am

... Felt moody again >.> dont know why... Since this morning, didnt went to school again... Used comp till around 2.15pm packed up went to gym, reach at 3pm no mood at all even after few hours, comedy nor laughters works on me anymore... Starting to grow more and more sick >.> ... After gym went to eat, today more things did than usual... But I dont feel like listing it out... Today felt restless... Smiled but dont really feel happy at all o.O why why why???

Why do people only talk when they have request's O.o or when they feel like it, is it so hard to even speak a few words... Is it that hard to keep someone lonesome company... Is it that hard to get back on track... Answers, Questions, Words, Infinite stuff's lingers in my mind... * White Hair * getting more and more of White Hair >. > why not make WHOLE HEAD WHITE HAIR I prefer whole head white than strands of white hair...

This world doesn't have things which are equal... Or should I say Fair? Does talking too much irks people o.O why does people get angry, sad, happy, emotional at times... Why are we born like this O.O Why cant we all be the same... Why some can be poverty to the extreme and some be wealthy till that extend... What has it got to do with me... Why am I thinking of such things... I am so so so confused why I'm thinking of such things instead my own studies, future, family, friends...

Tired Tired Tired!!! People say Songs makes one few more happy or relaxed >.> It seems likes I get to listen to all Sad Love songs... Makes me more EMO hehs... How I miss Secondary school, theres no one I hate... but now I hate some people to the core in school... Everybody must part... Everybody has their own life's... I still hasnt found mine, depending on people around me for my future... How do I find my own ANSWERS O.o Think I need to see a Psychiatrist... Anybody wants to pay for me hahahs Does the Psychiatrist perform Hypnosis O.o please make me sleep forever Waagagagagaaga...

Stop here or I won't finish =___= Talking nonsense again hhahs...


Wednesday 6 May 2009 @ 8:48:00 pm

School started at 9am today but didnt attend the first lesson, went for second lesson at 1.30pm, should have to be awake at 11.30am but that DAMN BLOODY Monitor called me at 10am =___= FOR FUN ASS!!! Can't get back to sleep, Felt exhausted, =___= not the tired exhausted kind is the sick kind hahahs HATE it everytime I have this feeling I started to get "Pi Chi Bao Zao" get provoked easily like ABC hahahs... Went to school DAMN hot weather...

Reached 15mins earlier... Went toilet =___= " Gek Sai" nothing came out hahahs... Went to canteen brought lemon tea walked back up, felt REALLY REALLY weak, went in for practical lesson, teacher talked ALOT of stuffs hahahs Gained some knowledge but not related to our studies AT ALL!!! Hahahahs!!! Next all he did is okay carry on to do ur KLB Diagram " Keyence Ladder Builder Diagram" ASS -___- new piece of assignment didnt even teach ASS hahahs but in the end I was first to finish Yeahs!!! Cause Russydi wasnt here : P If his here I think he would be first as everytime his here I start to rely on him hahahs I only copy what he did as he voices out to teacher regarding things his not Confirmed with, normally his correct so what ever hahahs :P...

Carry on my drawing everything, before that Monitor kept on asking me questions =___= I didnt reply him 9/10 hahahs I'm REALLY sick and weak I cant really talk or anything and air con is really god damn fucking cold, went to take my temperature as my neck area, forehead is kinda Warm... 37.0 Degree still not that EXTREME to go home... After drawing everything, tea was doing his own stuff's as he got lots of paper work to be done so waited while resting my head on the table, cant get to sleep as its REALLY COLD & my class is DAMN Freaking Noisyyyyyyyy...

Rested while figgiting like for 1hour, 3~4pm... He still hasnt release us, stood up walked around till 4.30 he finally release us Bloody... Should have released us long agoooooo...

Took 985 to meet Sing Sheng, Yihao, Hong Sheng, Shu Fong... Slept the whole journey woke up felt a little better but my breather is warm dont know why... Slacked at West Mall with them till 7.30pm, went off... Yihao walked back, I, Sing Sheng & Shu Fong walked to Batok East there as both of their house are there and I'm going there to take 963... At Interchange cross junction saw 187 kinda empty so I told them I'll take 187 then RAN!!! Hahahas as the bus stop is quite a distance from here, ran ran ran... Bus still behind about 1mins... Hopped on HOME SWEET HOME!!! Tadaaaaaaa Thats for today, nothing interesting as usual hua hua hua hua...


Monday 4 May 2009 @ 9:57:00 pm

Every Every Every!!! Everything, Everyone, Every word, Every sentence, Every objects IS TURNING TURNING TURNING AGAINST ME!!! I hate it!!! Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate!!! Hahas I'm Bored zzzzZZZZ...


Sunday 3 May 2009 @ 1:20:00 am

Beheeeeywoke up at 12.30 today >.> Damn actually woke up at 10 but too tired went back to sleep, didnt know I woke up so late =_= quickly rush to bath as I'm meeting Yihao they all at 2pm at west mall...

Rusheddddddd, reched perfectly at the MRT Station at 2pm hahas before that Winston called =___= I thought he reached early again, But NOT =______= ASS he keep asking me meeting place hahahs... When reached punctually, no one in sight -.- hahahas about 1 min after I arrived Hong Sheng called then met him, Zhixiang called, his in west mall cause the weather was too hot for him hahas, the rest were late =_= last to arrive was Mr Choo Sing Sheng hahahs he arrived at 2.30+++...

Hopped on to MRT with Yihao, Irene, Shu Fong, Winston, Darran, Zhixiang, Brandon, Dennis, Desmond, Sing Sheng and lastly me Hahaaaaa, seldom have so many people out... But I didnt talk much as I'm not REALLY close to dennis group hahas... Hmmm first stop Bugis Junction Kopitiam some of them ate and next stop Iluma...

Walked a bit, Iluma is VERY big but it's like too big that U dont feel like walking anymore but It's really a nice place for gathering's!!! Really try going there with a big group of shopper's u'll love it hahas...

Heh no mood to continue in details nor points anymore... In the end irene and shufong went off first cause irene has to work at 10pm till next morning hahas...

Next took bus to West Mall around 9pm reached at 10 like that went to coffee bean had drinks slacked... Splitted to home at 11.30pm...

Took some Pic's Q&A time!!!

Yihao's Superman Shirt hahahs BRIGHT!!!

Guess Whose Mouth is this :P?

Why is preaching so easy but not easy to act what is being preached by me...


Saturday 2 May 2009 @ 12:57:00 am


Nothing happened much today, just that after swimming, I felt totally exhausted =_= Felt that I rather go to school from 8am-5pm then swam for 2~3hours... Hmmm went to meet Zhixiang first, chat chat he went home accompany me to bus stop to west mall, met Yihao they all, went hong sheng house... Skipped, took bus 963 home at 11.30pm =_= reached my stop and I forgot to press the stop button, passed through the bus stop right infront of my eyes hahahs... Dropped at Masiling at 12am =_= No bus to my house nor nearby my house =_= Bloody, took taxi home, $10.80 hahahs Found out my wallet not enough =_____= SOS my auntie hahahs!!! 2nd time bleh Hate it, I dont like to owe favours... She paid 10$ I only paid 80cents hahahs Thanks the uncle for waiting for my auntie to arrive >.> Today bloody damn exhausted, I'll stop here...



Someone wants to disclaim it ? XDDD


name: Jude
age: 17
gender: Male

Hmmm get to know more about me from my blog? ^_^ Nothing to describe about myself...bold. italics. underline. strike-through



- Music
- Money
- Bubble Tea
- Sleep
- Holidays
- Eat Desserts
- Sleeeps



[&Clown;] Yihao
[&Weirdo;] Winston
[&Mini;] Melanie
[&Speaker;] Samantha
[&Parrot;] Beatrice
[&Cat;] Irene
[&Actress;] Shu Fong
[&FakeFlower;] Jia Hua


Base Code - Magnette
Designer - Hasegawa-san:D
Image - ChaosReign
Edit - Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Font - Earwig Factory


August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
April 2009
May 2009


Music Playlist at MixPod.com